Independent Special Needs School

146-150 Newington Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 6PT

Admissions Procedure

Small Haven School Admissions

Small Haven School is a small independent specialist day provision that can cater for up to 36 pupils aged 6-19. It is a co-educational school for learners with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). The small therapeutic nature of the school makes it an ideal setting for anxious and vulnerable pupils who require a highly-supported differentiated approach to learning.

Pupils have come from both mainstream and specialist provision and make up a rich and diverse community. The majority of pupils have mild to moderate autism and anxiety. We also support pupils with attention deficit disorder, speech language and communication needs, mild learning disability, and social, emotional and mental health needs.

All admissions will take place through close and joint working between the Kent Education Local Authority and the school.

For full details of the admissions procedure, please read the Admissions Policy which can be accessed via the policies page on this website.