Student Council
Small Haven School is proud to have its very own team of student councillors helping to make Small Haven School the best it can be for every child.

Each year a student is selected by their class peers to be student councillor and represent the views of the whole class.
Why do we have a Student Council?
This is your school and it’s important that you play an important role in developing Small Haven. We want to know what you think is going well and how we can do better. Your views are important! The Student Council allows you to have a voice and make positive change.
What happens at the student council meetings?
The student council meeting takes place once a term and usually lasts 45 minutes. Before the meeting, Councillors are given an ‘agenda’ that they talk about with the class before coming to the meeting. The student councillors from each class then meet with Ross and Miss White to share the comments and suggestions of their class. They also find out about staff ideas and are asked for their views. There’s usually cake or biscuits too!
What happens next?
After the meeting, the student councillors give feedback about what was said to the rest of the class. Ross will also give out some notes shortly after the meeting. Ross and Miss White share your views at the staff meeting so we can think about the student suggestions. Many great ideas and changes have come about due to the student council meeting suggestions. It really does make a difference!
What does being a student councillor mean?
Being a member of the student council is a great privilege and responsibility. You get to represent the views of you and your class and make a difference to the school. It also looks good on your CV!
What makes a good student councillor?
In order to be a good student councillor you need to be:
- Approachable-so your peers can talk to you
- A good listener- respect the views of others
- Responsible- be a good role model