Independent Special Needs School

146-150 Newington Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 6PT

Childhood Infections

Recommended exclusion periods for childhood infections

Athletes FootUnknownWhilst active lesions presentNo exclusion but treatment recommendedNone
Chicken Pox11 – 21 days1 to 2 days before to 5 days after spots developFor 5 days from onset of rashNone *Female staff see below
ConjunctivitisVariesNoneNo exclusion but treatment is recommendedNone
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)3 – 8 weeksSomeone with CMV infection may shed the virus in body fluid secretions for yearsNoneNone
Diarrhoea & VomitingVariesWhilst having symptoms of diarrhoea and/or vomitingUntil symptom free for 48 hoursNone
Diphtheria2 – 5 daysVariable but usually 2 weeks or lessUntil advised clear to returnHPU to advise
E. coli 01571 – 6 daysMay be up to 3 weeks in childrenHPU to adviseHPU to advise
Glandular Fever4 – 6 weeksWhilst virus is present in the salivaNoneNone
Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease3 – 5 daysFrom 2 – 3 days before to a few days after the appearance of rashNone but contact HPU if large numbers (The presence of a rash does not indicate infectivity)None
Head liceEggs hatch in 7 – 10 daysWhilst lice or eggs remain alive on hostNone. Parents should be advised to treat their childNone but contacts should be checked
Hepatitis A2 – 6 weeksFrom 14 days before to 7 days after the appearance of first symptomsUntil 7 days from onset of jaundice and the person feels wellHPU to advise
Hepatitis B6 weeks to 6 monthsOne month before symptoms to 1 – 3 months after, however it is not infectious under normal nursery conditions (universal precautions should be adhered to)Until person feels wellNone
Hepatitis C2 weeks to 6 monthsAs Hepatitis BUntil person feels wellNone
Herpes Simplex (cold sore)2 – 20 daysNoneNoneNone
HIV1 – 12 weeksNot infectious under normal nursery conditions (universal precautions should be adhered to)NoneNone
Impetigo4 – 10 daysWhilst lesions presentUntil lesions crusted/healed or 48 hours after starting antibioticsNone
Influenza1 – 3 daysAdults 1 day before until 5 days after onset Children 3 days before until 9 days after onsetUntil recoveredNone
Measles7 – 14 daysFrom a few days before to 4 days after the appearance of the rash5 days from onset of rash

*Female staff see below

Meningitis (Viral)VariesDepends on guidanceUntil person feels wellNone
Meningococcal Infection (Meningitis and Septicaemia)VariesWhilst organism remains in nose or throat. Most cases of infection are acquired from carriers rather than casesUntil person feels wellNone
Molluscum Contagiosum19-50 daysWhilst lesions are presentNoneNone
Mumps12 –25 days (average 18)From 6 days before to 9 days after onset of illness5 days from onset of swollen glandsNone
Poliomyelitis3 – 35 days (average 7–14)Whilst organism is present in the stoolsAs advised by HPUHPU to advise
Ringworm (scalp/body)2 – 4 weeksWhilst active lesions presentExclusion is not required but it is recommended that treatment is commenced before return to school/nursery/childcare setting (Symptomatic pets should also be treated)


Rubella (German Measles)14 – 21 days7 days before to 6 days after onset of rash6 days from onset of rashNone *Female staff see below
ScabiesFew days to 6 weeksWhilst mites remain alive on the hostUntil 1st treatment completed

None Treat contacts

Scarlet Fever1 – 3 daysDay sore throat starts to 24 hours after commencing antibiotics24 hours from commencing antibioticsNone
ShinglesReactivationUntil 7 days after rash appearsExclude only if rash weeping and cannot be covered (Can lead to chicken pox in susceptible children)


Slapped Cheek (Parvovirus/Fifth Disease)4 – 20 daysBefore the rash appears (but probably not afterwards)Until clinically wellNone *Female staff see below
Threadworms2 – 6 weeksWhilst eggs still being produced (Eggs can survive for 2 weeks in the environment)None Treatment advised

None Treatment advised

Tuberculosis2 – 10 weeksOnly when sputum contains bacteriaUntil person feels well and 2 weeks after treatment started (Contact HPU for advice)None. Close contacts may be screened
Warts and Verrucae2 – 3 monthsWhilst warts are presentNoneNone
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)7 – 10 weeks2 – 4 days before until 21 days after start of coughing5 days from commencing antibiotic treatment