Independent Special Needs School

146-150 Newington Road, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 6PT

Ofsted Rated Good School

Trips Out

This term, we have started to venture out on low risk, optional outdoor trips again.

We recognise that it is so important for our students’ mental and physical wellbeing to spend some time outdoors, so on sunny days, KS3, KS4 and Sixth Form have been using their Friday afternoon activities slot to go on local walks.

Some classes have also been on outdoor trips to facilitate lessons, such as science.

Small Haven trips out

Dentist Visit

Towards the end of this term, Joanne the dentist very kindly visited Lower School to teach them about teeth and the importance of taking care of them. The students learnt a lot and really enjoyed the visit.

Thank you Joanne!

Small Haven dentist visit

Country of the Term

Small Haven’s country of Term 5 is Greece.

Over the course of the term each class has taken part in different activities to learn about Greece. Some of these included dressing up as Ancient Greeks, cooking Greek food, creating Greek fact files, learning the language, learning about Greek mythology and holding Mini-Olympics.

Country of the term

Student Voice

Watch this space! We are introducing a new ‘Student Section’ to the newsletter where our students will be writing about something of their choice.

This may include student council news, writing about an event that happened that term, or any other news. Each class will take it in turns to write in this section.

We are excited to add our students’ voice to the newsletter!

Student voice

House Games

You can find Term 5’s results below.

House games scores term 5